So we have dealt with signs of a cheater and if we should open up or clam up about our suspicions of the infidelity. Now, after you have seen the signs and found the proof, confronted the cheater and all is out to sea. What do you do?
From a poll of all social backgrounds there have been the same re -occuring answers.
1. Walk away
2. Revenge.
Either of the two can be devastating or gratifying.
Sounds easy enough right? But often it's the hardest one. If the spouse is a husband or wife, the loss of years together, and the investment of a home and wedding itself can be looked upon with great resentment and anger. You feel betrayed that a person would go to such lengths to walk down the aisle and make vows before God and man only to break them.
For many, a breakup is hard to deal with when the presence of a partner is lacking. The "alone phase" is difficult for many people to cope with, which is why the rebound is so popular.
Many persons go out and have meaningless sex or place themselves with partners they would not usually choose just to have someone to fill the void they are experiencing from the loss of the last partner.
The decision to leave is always a difficult one. It is one where pros and cons must always be well weighed. It often seems black and white to some people. "They cheated, so leave." But that is often not the case. There are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration. When one has decided to leave, they must be ready for the emotional effects it may cause if their heart was not truly in it.
For those few who well understand that they deserve more than what they have received from the cheater and can feel like a weight has been lifted from their shoulders, they are the ones who will thrive most from the decision.
When we think of getting back at a cheater we often think of women, and it was indeed women who suggested this course of action. Women are seen as the more emotional of the two sexes, though in these times that is a fast fading fact, and like to attain some form of closure in relationships.
By having the last word or the last "sting" (so to speak) they feel a sense of power over a situation they could not originally control.
Both sexes are guilty of this, however, men do have an emotional tolerance, just as women do, and there is only so much any one person can take.
The thing about revenge, it that it is set in anger and that anger can spiral out of control. People who smashed the cars of an ex or a window, have had the ex robbed and/or beaten and other drastic things as a way of hurting someone who has hurt them may lead to them paying the price of few court fines or days behind bars. It is not all as glamorous as it looks on television when the actors do it.
Some people have resorted to burning down houses that their partner refuses to give up and many times, a cheating spouse, lover or partner, ends up dead.
Before you get the ideas of revenge twirling in your head, ask yourself, what do you have to gain by getting the"last laugh". Is it an act that could dent your character or worse make you sped your life behind bars?
Someone who has hurt and disrespected you is not worth your time or attention.
If, however, you are the faithful wife scorned who can manage to walk away with a fat bank account and the vacation house in Barbados...more power to you.
OH!! I almost forgot - there was one more thing that most of the questioned people said you should and most likely would do after you have been cheated on.
and that needs no explanation.
I will ,though, post about pity parties at a later date.
They have helped me through many a break up and a broken heart.
Look out for it!
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