Saturday, March 2, 2013

AM I BEING PUNKED? Stories and Dilemas

I keep warning you guys about the online world - and you just are not listening to me. A reader shared her story of the meeting she had with a facebook "friend".

First of all, my friend is a beautiful woman who takes care of her self, meaning, she stays clean and stylish and is very fussy about her appearance. 
This man, who claims to work in the government, was a far cry of anything he portrayed online. The report was the man turned up in whites that had gone way past their prime and a scent spewing off him that no man alive should posses. She described it as a mixture of old weed and pure funk.

At this point in the story I was already in stitches, but there was more. 
This man had browning chipped teeth, the brown from excess smoking, the chipped from whatever. And we do not hate against any one with a chipped tooth, but a man who works for a reasonable amount of money could consider at least getting his teeth taken care of. At this point, judging from his smell alone, I didn't think he cared what his teeth looked like. 

I really wish to not go on with the story because you get the point, I am sure. In this day and age, it is appalling that grown men are not taking the time to look after their physical appearance and hygiene. Yes, many of you may say the story was exaggerated to suit the distaste of my friend, but on the contrary, many, many Bajan men just could care less the way they look ( or behave for that matter).
So you may have a cracked tooth, but was brushing your teeth too much to ask for? On the first meeting at that?

All I can surmise from this is, at least he was real. If he turned up looking suave and sexy then morphed into a stinking monster in a week, the shock would have been greater.
Mind you, I have also heard cases where men come on first dates looking their worse to see if women are "superficial" and only want them for looks or money. 

I know some of you out there are naturally friendly, and don't mind meeting your facebook "friends" in an effort to include new people into your circles, just be careful. Everything online is not what it seems. 

Please send your stories of dates gone wrong and other foolishness to me at or inbox me on the facebook  Grown Folks Advice page. 

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