I have had a long drawn out discussion with my female friends about what they think is sexy versus degrading and I was in awe to discover that some women would not wear lingerie further more pose up on the furniture in it, either of their own free will or at their boyfriends request.
While many of these women had issues with their body, being that they hated their fat stomachs and stretch marks, etc...many of them just though this behavior was "porn starish".
Why, they asked. did they have to attire themselves in lace and leather to be appealing to their men? Why couldn't their men just accept them as they were without all the extra frills?
It was a sad discussion.
The fact that you are with your man means he HAS accepted you. And if you have passed the love making stage it means he has already seen the fat stomach and stretch marks. If he is still with you , it means he doesn't care, so, GET PAST IT.
Women need to stop being so insecure about their bodies and allow themselves to know the power they hold in their hands to make or break their own relationships. Your spouse may not be requesting you wear or do anything sexy or provocative, but it is a proven fact that men are visual creatures. He likes to LOOK!!
Give him something TO LOOK AT!!
There is no better feeling for a man than knowing his woman is confident in herself and her body.
And as for the porn star references. Why do women think porn is even so popular? Once again, it's the visual! Would you rather your man be looking at porn or looking at YOU?
It may very well be degrading for women to be gyrating up and down on poles or poking their sweet parts in a camera to make a living, but if you are at home in the privacy of your own house, then why are you trying to jump into a dressing gown whenever your man comes into the room?

Don't be afraid he's going to think you're crazy or slutty or stupid. Chances are, he won't. And if he wanted to, the sight of you posed up on the chair will drive it far from his mind.
If you don't own a lacy piece of underwear of lingerie, go out and get you some! Release that inhibition of feeling foolish. You will be surprised that the first time you let go the fear of feeling foolish and shy you will discover an inner boldness that will make you a more confident, positive woman, which s not only good for your relationship, but it's good for you.
Comon ladies! You can do it!!
( I will deal with the men in another post)
Very interesting,does the writer puts on lingerie and pose up on furniture,humm I wonder