1.He's not over his last girlfriend.
It happens. A song, a scent or a sitcom may still be giving him flashbacks of the moments he spent with someone else. He may not want to admit, but he's still carrying the torch for whatever her name is, for whatever reason. The two may have ended on good or not so good terms, but whatever the situation, a part of him has not yet moved on.
If her name still comes up in random conversations or her photo is still in a frame beside the bed - Forget him.
2. He's not ready for the responsibility.
For some men, being in a relationship is a task more tedious than house cleaning or shopping with mom. Some men don't want to share their playstation time with talking on the phone or going out to eat. They would rather listen to Movado than listen to you complain about a snippy co-worker.
If your new guy friend has a ritualistic routine he does not like to change - Forget him.
3. He's having post breakup paranoia .
What is post breakup paranoia you ask? It's the paranoid feeling you get after your last relationship went to hell in a hand basket that your next relationship will go that way too.
Men, like women, DO get tired of being hurt, insulted and walked over. Though he may like you alot and want to make it work, the lingering remains of the lies from an ex may prevent him from trusting completely.
If he is constantly asking you questions about your whereabouts, your friends, your plans over and over even when you have told him the answer five times before - Forget him.
4. He only wants sex.
Doesn't this speak for itself? Many men wish you would come over, have sex and go home. But women, being as emotional as we are, make it hard (no pun intended) for that feeling to be expressed. That way, men end up cuddling, spooning, buying dinner and all other manner of things that make US think they are genuinely interested in US, when they are simply trying to avoid us acting a fool after the sex is done.
If a man only calls you on the day he wants to see you - Forget him.
5. He doesn't want to think about the future.
He's happy with his job, his car, living with his mom. Most men at a certain age go day by day. Women on the other hand, when involved, begin thinking of weddings and babies and the color of the kitchen of the dream house. Some men aren't ready to think so far ahead.
If he says he would like to be married someday and maybe you can both live with his mom - Forget him.
6. He thinks his career will suffer.
If he has studied for 10 years for a degree and has finally made partner at some firm OR he has trained in the gym for 7 years to get a rock hard body for strong man contest OR any other great feat he has achieved for the purpose of making money, he may be afraid (with good reason) that having a relationship will be a major distraction.
And he may very well be right. If he eats, sleeps and breaths the office or the gym or the chess board or whatever he has made a career of, taking time to take a woman on dates, and engage in thought provoking conversation and even cuddle post sex, WILL take time away from his work. If his job is a high stress, fast paced one, a woman may not know how to fit herself into his life without feeling often neglected which will lead to frustration and many a fight.
If he spends more than 14 hours a day dealing with work -( you know what to do by now)
7.His wallet won't let him.
The average man thinks a woman wants to spend his money. And the average modern woman seems to think it IS his duty to spend money on her. A man who may be going through a financial crisis will not attempt to get into a relationship knowing he may be a disappointment to his partner if there is not enough money on his part for going out or the occasional gift.
On the other hand, a man may have more than enough to make him and his partner comfortable for life, but if he detects that a woman is not willing to pull her weight and expects him to shell out for every occasion, he may think twice about becoming involved with someone he has to maintain.
8. He is talking to someone else.
While you may be the good cook, Michelle down the street may be able to stand on her head in bed. A man may be faced with more than one option and for the reason that the two women both have different characteristics he enjoys, he may be unable to choose, thus making the choice to choose neither.
9.He is genuinely happy single.
Women say "I don't need a man to be a woman" and no one doubts it. So, some men don't need a woman to be a man. It really isn't about sex for many men, and some of them have learned to enjoy their singlehood with the boys at the bar, the basketball at the gym, or themselves - alone.
If you want to come over and watch the game, that's at you, but it will hurt them no more or less if you don't.
10.He just isn't that into you.
Ladies, just admit it. It was good, it was great, but it just wasn't working. You're smart, pretty and make a mean Sunday soul food, but he just did not get the head over heels butterflies and goosebumps feeling over you.
Get over it - it happens. there are plenty fish in the sea.
If he's not into you and you know it, don't stick around hoping your rice and peas will change his mind - Forget him.
In addition. Ladies, we are not magicians, we cannot abracadabra and change a man's mind. If he does not want you, let him go. It might hurt in the beginning, but trust me, it will hurt much worse in the long run.
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